Workshops and Conferences

Annual Bridge Design Workshop

This workshop will review the latest developments in bridge design and LRFD (particularly as they pertain to foundations and geotechnical considerations), and provide information about available resources from AASHTO/FHWA and KDOT.

Kansas Transportation Engineering Conference

The Kansas Highway Engineering Conference began in 1918 and was identified by this name till about 1972. Between 1973 and 1976, when the Kansas Department of Transportation was created, the conference was renamed the Highway and Transportation Engineering Conference. This conference is an important part of the K-State Department of Civil Engineering's mission education, research and outreach mission.

Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK)

Kansas State University and the University of Kansas, in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Federal Highway Administration and the Kansas Department of Transportation, are offering courses in Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas.

Superpave Field Lab Technician Certification Training

Superpave Field Labratory Technician Certification Training is a four-day course offered jointly by K-State and KDOT. This course is intended to certify engineers, technicians and other personnel who will be involved in the construction of Superpave Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavements using Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC/QA) specifications in the State of Kansas. Instruction will be provided by a selected group of instructors from KDOT, industry and K-State.