Weston Koehn | Assistant Professor

Ph.D. - 2020, Kansas State Universityimage of Weston Koehn
Civil Engineering
B.S. - 2014, Kansas State University
Civil Engineering

Contact information

2114 Fiedler Hall

Professional experience

Weston Koehn received his Ph.D. in civil engineering from Kansas State University in the spring of 2020 where he developed hydrogeologic conceptualizations of shallow groundwater systems using a novel interpretation of electrical resistivity tomography surveys via the analytic element method. In fall 2020 he began his current position as an instructor in the department of civil engineering at K-State and serves as a co-adviser for the K-State Student Chapter of ASCE.


Koehn has research interests in the areas of hydrogeophysics, computational methods in geophysics and groundwater hydrology. His research primarily focuses on characterizing groundwater systems through the application of near-surface geophysics, and using the analytic element method to devise solutions for groundwater, geotechnical and agricultural engineering problems. Koehn has a strong interest in developing novel numerical and geophysical techniques to bridge the gap between geophysics and hydrology to improve groundwater model parameterization.

Academic highlights

The author and or/co-author of three peer-reviewed journal papers and one conference proceeding while at Kansas State University, Koehn also has a strong passion for teaching and was nominated as the outstanding graduate teaching assistant of the civil engineering department in 2019. He was awarded the Timothy R. Donoghue Scholarship in 2017 and 2018 during his graduate studies at K-State.

Recent faculty publications
  • Koehn, W. J., & Kulesza, S. E. Electrical Resistivity for Seeing Deep Foundations: A New Framework for Identifying Long, Slender Elements. In IFCEE 2021 (pp. 443-452).
  • Koehn, W. J., Tucker-Kulesza, S. E., & Steward, D. R. (2019). Conceptualizing groundwater-surface water interactions within the Ogallala aquifer region using electrical resistivity imaging. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 24(2), 185-1999.
  • Tucker-Kulesza, S. E., Sassenrath, G. F., Tran, T., Koehn, W.J., & Erickson, L. (2017). Site-specific erodibility in claypan soils: Dependence on subsoil characteristics. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 33(5), 705-718.
  • Snapp, M., Tucker-Kulesza, S., & Koehn, W.J. (2017). Electrical resistivity of mechanically stabilized earth wall backfill. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 141, 98-106.
  • Koehn, W. J., Tucker-Kulesza, S. E., & Steward, D. R. (2020). Characterizing Riverbed Heterogeneity across Shifts in River Discharge through Temporal Changes in Electrical Resistivity. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 25(4), 581-587.